We make quality Canvas bags and covers for anything that needs a bag or cover! Popular items that we make bags for include camping gear like camp ovens, gas stoves, hotplates, solar panels, compressors, car seats… Often these items are supplied with thin “cheap” bags that don’t last long, and so replacing them with a heavy duty canvas bag makes sense. Tired of that tent bag or sleeping bag cover being too small? Then order a bigger one from us! Here are some product examples…
How about a nice way to store the Camp oven, which is often sooty and greasy…
Our very popular Canvas rubbish bag for 4WDs. It features a curved top support for snug fit on top of spare tyre, heavy duty zips, 2 internal compartments, hi-vis reflective stripes and a Velcro pouch on top for storing spare bag liners… and available in 6 colours (Black, Grey, Orange, Pink, Sand, Brown).
Ever noticed how you get a very flimsy bag with your 4WD’s air compressor? And how you can never get the air hose back in? Well, we have re-designed the compressor bag, making it much stronger, and with 2 compartments, so you have a separate compartment for air hose and spares like valves and valve caps etc…
and here is another style of the same compressor bag…
Here we have a custom canvas bag for protecting Solar panels. It features soft inner lining, reinforced corners, and the carry straps run full length of the bag for extra strength…
Here is a canvas “duffle” bag made to replace the flimsy, tight bag that the tent came with. It’s a little bigger and so is much easier to pack the tent into, and it will last much longer…
This bag was made for a ten that was over 1.2m long… and a smaller one…
This bag was made up to house an outdoor game…
We made up this heavy canvas round bag for a lcient that wanted to sling his round tent to the side of his motorbike…
And this one is for s shower tent…
This client had a large awning for a roof top tent, and it’s bag was too flimsy, and also too tight, so we made up a heavy canvas bag to suit. It also had some steel poles which were too long to fit in, so we made a separate diagonal pouch for these, attached by Velcro…
Here is a custom made 4WD Wheel cover, with the center part cut out for easy access to mounting accessories off the wheel nuts…
This bag was a special request from a client who wanted a more rugged bag for his large tent, to withstand being transported on his roof rack. The old bag wore through, and so we made this bag canvas outside for strength and with a waterproof PVC on the inside…
Here we re-made a Tonneau cover from scratch, complete with sail-track and bungee loops…
No room in the Shed for your Quad bike? How about make a cover using Canvas that has a PVC coating to make it waterproof and UV stabilised? Like this one…
We can do custom projects, for example we made up this caravan skirt out of heavy PVC for this client. It features press-studs and Velcro to attach to caravan, and a flap along the lower edge that the flooring sits on to make a nice seal…
Here is a custom built fridge bag, featuring heavy 15oz canvas outer layer, 10mm foam insulation, and canvas inner layer. It has clear PVC for the LED readout, mesh for air flow around compressor, extra pockets for storing things, tie down points and more. Please note that this is a high end product, and is alot more expensive than “off the shelf” covers, so only suitable for high end fridges.
Here is a trailer cover that we made from heavy 16oz canvas, featuring 4 side windows with inner mesh and zips, and stainless steel eyelets around the lower edge for tie down.
Custom canvas bags with ‘esky style’ lid, using Boulder rip-stop canvas and YKK chunky zip.
For any questions, or a quote on your project, then email us
And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook and “Like” us… facebook.com/CustomCanvasAndCovers
Do you need Marine products? Then visit our other business Custom Marine Solutions Pty Ltd…
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